Parution : Journal for the History of Environment and Society Vol. 6 – 2021 Coastal History
Nouveau numéro du Journal for the History of Environment and Society (vol 6, 2021) sur les interfaces terre/mer avec des contributions de Romain Grancher et Solène Rivoal
- Editorial
- Romain Grancher & Michael-W. Serruys, Changes on the Coast. Towards a Terraqueous Environmental History
- Solène Rivoal, Enclosure within a closed sea: The fisheries against the commons in the Republic of Venice in the 18th century
- Mathias Tranchant, Ports et environnement de la France atlantique (xie-xve siècle)
- Michael-W. Serruys, The societal effects of the eighteenth century shipworm epidemic in the Austrian Netherlands (c. 1730-1760)
- Bo Poulsen, Between adaptation and mitigation. The 19th century North Sea storm surges and the entangled socio-ecological transformation of the Limfjord region, Denmark
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Hugo Vermeren (11 janvier 2022). Parution : Journal for the History of Environment and Society Vol. 6 – 2021 Coastal History. Gouverner les îles. Consulté le 4 décembre 2024 à l’adresse