Gouverner les îles Site
“Environmental History of Islands”, numéro spécial de la revue Coastal Studies & Society
Articles à lire ici : https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/clsa/2/2 Islands have fascinated environmental historians, but looking at the field as a whole, this attraction has not resulted in attempts at synthesis or strong theoretical propositions. Moreover, it...
Workshop international « Espaces littoraux et insulaires en Méditerranée et en Algérie, Dynamiques et Perspectives » 24-25-26 Novembre 2023 – Université Oran 2
“The transformations of a “maritime island”: Hydra’s relationship with the sea during the 19th century (1821-1870)”, by Minas Antypas
Minas Antypas is a PhD Candidate of University OF Crete, Department of History & Archaeology The island ofHydra is located in the north-eastern edge of the Peloponnese, by which is separated by a narrow...