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“Environmental History of Islands”, numéro spécial de la revue Coastal Studies & Society

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Islands have fascinated environmental historians, but looking at the field as a whole, this attraction has not resulted in attempts at synthesis or strong theoretical propositions. Moreover, it has not necessarily enabled a departure from reductive and continentalist conceptions of the islands, such as that old established idea of island environments as “continents in miniature.” Thus, if islands currently represent one of the most important sites for Anthropocene thinking, it is first of all thanks to the research that some social scientists, mainly geographers, have developed under the banner of Island Studies, a new interdisciplinary field that has come of age during the 2000s. This introductive essay argues that the links between the environmental history of the islands and Island Studies are still very loose and should be strengthened for their mutual benefit. For this, it draws on the articles brought together in this special issue and offers insights on three main problems that all provide a good illustration of the fundamental ambivalence of islands: their limits, their isolation, and their vulnerability.

Introduction: “Hybrid islands: Some reflections on the intersection between Island Studies and environmental history”
Romain Grancher

From islands to territorial empire: The French colonial administration at Gorée and the environmental causes of continental expansion after the Seven Years War
Pernille Røge

Maritime sovereignty, the territorialization of islands and the integration of fishermen in colonial Tunisia (La Galite (لطة ǧālaṭ))
Hugo Vermeren

Coastal crossings, or what the environmental history of the island of Phú Quốc (Vietnam) teaches us
Grégory Quenet

The penguins that wouldn’t explode: Accidental rewilding, militarized landscapes, and post-conflict islands
Yi-Chia Chen, Isaac Land

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Hugo Vermeren (4 avril 2024). “Environmental History of Islands”, numéro spécial de la revue Coastal Studies & Society. Gouverner les îles. Consulté le 20 janvier 2025 à l’adresse

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